Tribbler on blockchain

UCSD, California | Jun 2022

Tribbler on Blockchain?

I had already made Tribbler based on a somewhat traditional approach to distributed systems: using a logical clock synchronized across all distributed data stores. This project aimed to explore the facets of blockchain through a re-implementation of Tribbler using blockchain.

How is Tribbler on blockchain different?

The main difference between the original Tribbler and the blockchain implementation is that the duties of data storage and synchronization is offloaded to the blockchain. I experimented with different proportions of computation between the frontend and backend to try and reduce gas fees
I found that we were able to offload a lot of the original Tribbler functionality to the frontend and thus minimized computation on the blockchain, reducing gas fees by 79.57%
Moreover, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of blockchain and the behavior of dApps.

Check it out